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What is a Total Hip Replacement?

A total hip replacement (hip arthroplasty) operation replaces your hip’s damaged ball and socket with an artificial pair made of metal, ceramic or plastic, depending on your unique needs. They can improve your range of motion and significantly decrease pain.

The surgery is performed under a general anesthetic, where you are asleep during the operation. A total hip replacement takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete, depending on how much damage there is to your hip joint.

Who Needs a Total Hip Replacement?

Hip replacements, like all joint replacements, are only utilized as a last resort after a patient has exhausted all other treatment methods. If you still have pain after 4-6 weeks of bracing and physical therapy, you may be a candidate for hip replacement surgery.

The most common risk factors for needing a total hip replacement include:

  • Older age  
  • Obesity  
  • Chronic joint pain from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis  
  • Injury to the joint from trauma, fractures, or wear and tear 

Postoperative Care for Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Most hip replacement surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that you will get to go home the same day. You will have to take it easy for roughly six weeks post-surgery, though you may be able to return to lower impact activities sooner.

During your recovery period, make sure to follow all of your doctor’s instructions regarding medication use and self-care. Physical therapy to help rebuild your strength and mobility is very important after surgery, so plan on booking multiple sessions for the weeks immediately following the procedure.

Total hip replacement surgery gives you a chance to reduce pain caused by arthritis or injury, allowing you to get back to enjoying life. To learn more, contact Motion Orthopaedics today.

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